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mercoledì 7 maggio 2014

Visiting Pontormo

12 Pontormo - Storie della Passione I have already revealed my love for Pontormo in a previous post.  the  strength and innovation of Pontormo's work is notable. But, yesterday afternoon, my visit to the current show of works by Pontormo and his contemporary, Il Rosso Fiorentino was breathtaking. The vibrant colors, the volumes, the textures of various fabrics, silk, velvet, transparent veiling made me want to touch  as well as look, they were so real.

Fascinating was the famous “Visitation” which was used by Bill Viola as the basis for his video, also in the show, the first room of the show.
(see the link  http://youtu.be/fj17foaKAVU)

I would also like you to see the visit made by Bill Viola  to the studio where the restoration of Pontormo’s Visitation was done in preparation for the show.

This is a partial view of Viola’s video.

The Visitation (1528-29; Parish Church of Carmignano, Italy),  portrays the joyous moment at which Mary tells her cousin Elizabeth that she is expecting a child.
The video by Viola begins with two women--one middle-aged and the other younger--engrossed in conversation. After several minutes pass by, a third woman enters the scene and interrupts the dialogue by greeting the older woman. Through facial expressions and gestures, it becomes apparent that the middle-aged woman knows her well, while the other less so and maybe not at all. The third woman whispers something into her friend’s ear as they embrace, further isolating the other woman. An undeniable awkwardness becomes apparent as introductions are finally made and small talk is exchanged among the three.
Viola wasn’t interested in restaging Pontormo’s painting, He used it to create something new, something more contemporary although in the same spirit of the Renaissance artist’s work.

Pontormo for me is a precursor to Modern painting. He uses  volume and large brilliant color fields in a way that recalls the styles of many contemporary artists.

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