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lunedì 23 febbraio 2015

RED #4

final painting
Red #4   Oil, wax on panel    50x50cm
one of the first stages of the painting

This painting was a challenge for me both mentally and physically. 

Begun at the end of 2014 it has taken  months to arrive at a conclusion. I started with the paint that was left on my palette, no ideas, I didn't want to waste the paint but just wanted to cover the panel as a start.

Continuing, I had difficulty putting my head and heart into what I was doing.  Then with the new year, my flu session and other challenges caused a major block.  I was stuck, working but without a vision of what I was doing. This happens at times. Until, suddenly, reason sets in unexplainably, and the road straightens.

The path is clear.

See Blog Post:  Presenting a New Year Resolution.

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