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martedì 26 maggio 2015

New Challenges

my next project
OK! I admit to have played hookey for a bit but I needed time to unwind after that whirlwind period of show preparation. Now most of it is over.  I still have the show going at the bank in Impruneta but that will end on Monday after a month. The personal show  that is part of my prize from the show in Pontremoli hasn't been decided yet so, in the meantime, I am again painting and preparing panels for it.

But I have a new project. . .  the cement blocks in the photo.  I will be decorating them in some way. . . a murales. . . something that I have never done before but it is very exciting. At this point I am researching materials as well as considering the theme.  Most likely it will be an Etruscan theme since this is the same hotel, Hotel Fontermosa, www.fontermosa.it  that I decorated years ago with Etruscan themes.  The blocks, really ugly, had to be placed here at the entrance to protect and reinforce the hill behind. During heavy rains  the erosion has triggered dangerous landslides that fell into the entrance area below.

Thank you for visiting. I promise to write again soon.

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