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giovedì 31 dicembre 2015

A New Year Resolution


painting present at show "Small is Beautiful" 30x30cm oil and wax on canvas

There isn't anything I can do about it. At this time every year, starting from the month of November, Other Things get in the way of painting, mostly projects for the annual Christmas Bazaar that AILO runs for charity. For readers who don't already know, AILO stands for American International League  ONLUS, that is, a non-profit organization here in Florence. All our earnings are donated to charities in the province of Florence that ask for our help. What I mean is that my studio work goes by the wayside and all other creativity is aimed at the  success of the  Bazaar

But I haven't been idle artistically. Using work done previously, I have participated in various shows. The small painting at the opening of this post is now showing in the ART-ART gallery in Impruneta. Another is in a show in Chianciano Terme, a SPA  south of Florence.


 "Trasparency- Following the Light"  oil on panel   115x115cm

AND, in the Spring I will be participating in a show here in Florence. A show of Sacred Art. Strange for me but I have decided to participate with this painting. The theme of this show is  "Portraits of Charity" and this is the closest I get to portraits and sacred art.



oil and wax on canvas

But now to my New Yeat's resolution, (almost identical yearly)  I will (try), starting tomorrow???,to go back to an organized studio schedule. Actually, I never have stopped painting.  I do it in my head always, even while working on other things. Maybe I'm just not made to be working in an organized time schedule. I just need time to work on the ideas that pass through my head. Next year.! Happy 2016 to you!

1 commento:

  1. Buon Anno cara Sylvia, possa il 2016 portarti tutta la serenità necessaria per concentrarti sulla tua arte!


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