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martedì 18 giugno 2013

New. . .and already rusty!

#1 - rust marks on paper 
#2 - rust marks on paper

I would like to take you step-by-step with me through  an experimental process that I am working on. I have already showed you my lovely old nails and have no idea where this new approach will take me  but  am fascinated by the idea of these rusty pieces which for me represent the architectural  and the images that they produce which denote the figure.

(Above) I am working with small pieces of heavy quality drawing paper (8"x 8") which  I prepared with gesso and   left to dry thoroughly. Then, using my antique nails which I wet with water and vinegar, I obtained  the above images.

This is the finished work on the second of the series.  I started out with  coffee colored washes  to determine the lights and dark areas and then, to fix the color, used a light passage of cold wax which has a natural, soft amber color. The next step was to add color with oil sticks in orange, blue and burnt umber and cold wax to finish the texture.

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