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lunedì 21 settembre 2015

My "What Did I Do Wrong" Video

Well, as I said in my last post, I wanted to share my experience of  making a video for the first time and the difficulties (!XQ//%&$))&) I ran into.

It all began during those torrid days in August as I was preparing for the show in Pontremoli (my last post). I innocently thought "Why not give it a try!!!!! "There would be a room especially for video projections that I would be able to use. so....?  Using the VIDEO program that every computer has (I assume) I went straight to my old, and I mean old, computer, hand-down from my son's college days, but so easy for me and where my art pictures are mostly. (A Windows XP, by the way) I began to pick the images. Clean them up, turn them around, etc., etc.The next stage was adding text, a presentation, some notes about my work and then a title page at the end to give credits for music, ecc.

The real challenge was then the music, I hauled out all my CD's and tried to find a suitable soundtrack but there wasn't anything I liked, either too moody, too fast, or too ....just nothing. So I turned to the web. Amazing what can be found there. And finally I hit on a lovely Bach sonata and fugue group that was downloadable. That's what I chose,

But finding the music is just the first step, Then you have to make sure it fits into your storyboard time frame. It can't begin after your title page and can't end before your credits' page. AT one point, trying to stretch it out, the whole sonata disappeared!  PANIC! I don't know how, but I managed to fish it out again and start over.

As you can immagine, this took time. . . hours, days, and weeks and I thought all was well, until.....
finally ready, that is I didn't have anything more to add, I decided to save and copy the video on a CD that I could bring to the show. To make sure that all had been copied correctly I took it to my newer laptop and tried to open it there. This was the first disaster! It wasn't compatable. " no video to be found" was the message.

Complete dispair!! What do you do now? Start over again I cried, couldn't  give in at this point. There was still time. All my art photos were copied and inserted into my laptop. I had to learn how to use  the video making program of Windows 8, Movie Maker. And so I thought this was the answer. Again I waited until there was nothing more to add, correct, and made a copy to be taken to the show.

Another surprise was in store for me.  The video, that is, the storyboard, appeared on the disk, but, for some unknown reason, not the music. Why??? I had no idea but what I did know was that I couldn't solve the problem by myself at this point.  There was less than a week left before the opening at Pontremoli. So I rushed over to my computer store, sure that it was something simple and stupid and that I could rely on them to find the way out.

That was the Wednesday before the show. I hoped beyond hope that by Saturday I could pick it up before leaving for Pontremoli.  It just wasn't in the cards I guess. No video. AND, as I write this, I am trying to upload the same  video, now converted into 4 different versions at the computer store, onto this blog but not even this is working!!!!??? Guess I'' have to try the other 3 versions to see if at least one of them will work..................!

PS. Blogger tells me that the video has been processed.  I am about to publish this post and will see if this is true or just another . . . . . . . . . .

PPS.  EUREKA!! It's working! . . . hope you enjoy. . . . Please let me know!

3 commenti:

  1. Brava e coraggiosa, probabilmente io mi sarei arresa prima! Ora naturalmente sono curiosa di vedere questo sudatissimo video.

    1. Come? Non lo vedi??? Pensavo che fosse visibile a tutti perchè io lo vedo! Managia. . . .


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