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domenica 26 gennaio 2014


Connections 2  oil on canvas - 30x30cm - 12x12 in.

This is Connections 2 (30x30cm, 12 X 12in. oil on canvas)  the series of 5 canvases representing the human figure. (the first painting is shown in the previous post) Here we are at the trunk of the body, from the neck to the belly, shoulder, heart, and spinal column. Again the straight lines connect the internal shapes representing the structural and architectural parts that I believe  interact.

As you see, I've named this series Connections thinking of  the white lines  which appear in each painting.  At times disecting and at other times knitting each of the works into a harmonious unit,
they form the protective structure for the whole, the architectural and the anatomical whole.  

I must admit that I have difficulty with titles, difficulty in the sense that I feel that most titles are too confining for most art observers. My interpretation, my idea as I paint, is not the only possible way to look at a painting.  The beauty of abstract art is that there is room for a variety of interpretations and that close and frequent observation of an abstract painting can and should open up a world of seeing unknown to observers before. There should never be fear to make an error.

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