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venerdì 24 gennaio 2014


My second session with Janice Mason Steeve's mentoring program was even better than the first. I was  relaxed though eager to know her reaction to the images of my paintings. Judgement is always  terrifing.  But I made it! Got through the test with FLYING COLORS ( literally). WE talked about lots of things. . .  the time passed too quickly.  And now I have a new assignment.  Work in the same direction, using internal anatomical shapes along side architectural drawing, lines, etc. only BIGGER. Can't wait to start......

But first I would like to show you what's been going on with me doing those first 5 canvases.

Connections 1: oil on canvas -  30x30 cm - 12x12 inches  (The pic doesn't do justice to the varied yellows that are there!)

Although I worked on all five paintings at one time, there is always one that starts things  off and this is it. The canvases are 30x30 cm, small enough but when there are 5 to finish in a short time they can feel very LARGE. I used a limited palette, yellow ocher, cadmium yellow, alizarin crimson, cad. red, mineral violet, ultramarine  blue, burnt umber, white. Too many colors are confusioning.

This first piece depicts internal anatomical shapes referring to the head. The straight white lines suggest the structural parts, the architectural drawing, the bones.  I had intended to include written parts, formulas, equations, etc., but decided to eliminate these following Janice's thoughts about limitation, simplification.

Now I am working  on a title. Something that will embrace all 5 pieces, the series. 
I will post others tomorrow.

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