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venerdì 17 agosto 2012


First, my Etruscan flute player, reversed for convenience, was printed on a greeting card for the hotel, to be used as a souvenir of sorts.

The really great part about this card, however, is that parts are transparent so that, with a light blub behind, it functions also as a  shade for lamps used in the bedrooms and other parts of the hotel.

The card illuminated

The lamp with shade (Tellus Lighting Innovations)

Now came the hardest part. Though I have never had experience with graphic art, I decided to have a go at it using, as I said before, the programs that Internet and the computer offer.

It was frustrating. After working to create an image I would somehow lose it! Or, if I wanted to repeat the image using a different combination of colors or format, I couldn't remember the steps I had used to begin with. . .

 Did I say frustrating?  Incredible.  But I learned a lot and. . . had fun in the end!!!

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