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domenica 19 agosto 2012

Portraits and Decorative Motifs

But my project hadn't ended here. There were walls to be decorated and a special project I had in mind for the dining room area that I was anxious to start. . .

I did a series of small paintings, 30x30cm, using a mixed technique of paint and collage on canvas.  The surface of the canvas was prepared roughly with plaster to simulate the rough wall surface of the fresco tomb paintings. Photocopies of Etruscan vases, paintings or statues, chosen at random, were then applied becoming the base for my compositions. Charcoal, oil and acrylic paint were used over these forms favoring the earthy reds and yellow ochre so frequently found in the Etruscan tomb paintings.

1 commento:

  1. Wow, Silvia! Che bel blog, che belle foto.
    Non c'è niente di più soddisfacente per me di conoscere quello che sta dietro ogni opera d'arte e seguire un artista nel suo processo creativo.


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