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sabato 4 maggio 2013

Summing Up. . .

The idea to bring my painting home with me hasn't turned out to be as brilliant as I thought. I have worked at home before, at the very beginning, when I didn't have a studio away from home. It didn't work then and isn't working now but for different reasons.

Years ago, I was so engrossed in my painting, drawing, etc.that my schedule as mother and homemaker was a disaster. When it was lunch time, time for husband and son to arrive for a carefully planned meal, I was still painting and in a panic because I didn't know what to put on the table. Of course, grocery shopping had also slipped my mind. Thank goodness  in Italy  a healthy portion of pasta (spaghetti) or rice can be a one dish meal (at least for lunch). And thank goodness for the pressure cooker. But the problem got worse. As my schedule of art classes grew and changed time tables, dinner was also affected.

My husband was a great help, so much so that he began to fill in for me. (His was a fight for self survival) .At first he was putting the pot of water on the burner for the pasta. Then he began to concoct his own spaghetti sauces, simple at first and more elaborate later. (And soooo good.) My son was the more serious objector.  He wanted his meals to be created with care and thought. His most famous comment was "but she only cooks when we're having company". True, but at that time, it couldn't be any other way.

Again working at home, I'm still engrossed and oblivious to schedules, but my husband is my chef most always which is a great help. Meals are not the problem since  we are just the two of us.

It is handy to work at home, no highway traffic to struggle with going into town.  I just can paint when I want to.  The problem now is that things are turned around. All my utensils, materials, colors,etc, etc, are  in the city. Most probably, slowly, I will transfer everything  here to my  home and will create  my space here.

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