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lunedì 23 settembre 2013

A Series. . . Monoprints

basic plate with tape
 I was very meticulous this morning about my printing - again using the basic taped plate #2. I dampened more paper. . . mixed my colors. . . and  began to paint on the plate, adding and removing color until my image was ready. I carefully covered all four edges  of the plexiglas with clean masking  tape to protect and to keep the edges clean. This tape will be removed just before I print maintaining the plate as clean as possible.

I removed the masking tape . . .   placed the plate on the register . . carefully positioned my dampened paper over the plate and register . . . and  then proceeded to run all under the roller of my press.

Below is  final print #2 , using etching ink thinned with linseed oil. There is no similarity between the image shown in the previous post using the same plate. This can happen.  The pressure was very light on the first printing  therefore the image was very uniform and light. I used wax pastel to accentuate some details after the print was dry.

final print #2

 This is a completly different image (above) although I used the same plate. Here the color was painted onto the plate with brushes following the lines of the tape.  To create lights and  to blend the colors I  partially removed some of the ink with gauze .

inked plate after printing.
The plate has almost totally lost its load of color.  I like this delicate image.  I could have tried to print this again but probably there wasn't enough ink left. It could be a stepping stone for tomorrow.

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